Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey its Ryuu!!

Hey everyone, I just started this blog, so I guess I better tell you a little about my self.
So, I am Ryuu Sage, feel free to add me as a Pico Buddy. As you know by the heading, this blog is about the site Ameba Pico. If you send me a request, in the message box say TPS. So anyway, I have a friend on pico named Breezy. I also know her in real life, so I know what happens on pico sometimes. Next post will be about one of her current problems. Intill next time, I am Ryuu, and your on The Pico Spot!

 MIND FREAK - Yeah horrible editing, freakishly ugly wall right?


  1. Nope it's AWESOME *tries not to burst out laughing*!

  2.'s fin- *pffffft* xD

  3. Where did your hat, I mean CROWN, go? It was so beautiful *bursts out laughing*!
